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How Do You Make Paper In The Game Little Alchemy

How to Make Paper in Little Alchemy

The Easiest and Quickest Way

Creating paper in Little Alchemy is a simple process that only requires 18 steps. Follow this recipe for the most efficient method:

  1. Start with Air and Earth.
  2. Combine Air and Water to create Steam.
  3. Mix Steam and Earth to form Mud.
  4. Combine Mud and Fire to produce Clay.
  5. Mix Clay and Air to make Bricks.
  6. Combine Bricks and Fire to create Pottery.
  7. Mix Pottery and Water to make Porcelain.
  8. Combine Porcelain and Fire to produce Glass.
  9. Mix Glass and Air to form Sand.
  10. Combine Sand and Fire to create Stone.
  11. Mix Stone and Water to make Mortar.
  12. Combine Mortar and Air to create Cement.
  13. Mix Cement and Water to form Concrete.
  14. Combine Concrete and Air to make Dust.
  15. Combine Dust and Water to produce Soil.
  16. Mix Soil and Air to make Dirt.
  17. Combine Dirt and Water to create Mud.
  18. Combine Mud and Air to make Paper.


With this step-by-step guide, paper crafting in Little Alchemy becomes a breeze. Remember to experiment with different combinations to discover more exciting possibilities in this captivating game. Happy alchemy!
